10X Genomics, Bonsai Lab and the Centro Singular de Investigación en Medicina Molecular y Enfermedades Cronicas (CIMUS) are pleased to announce a seminar delivered by Lía Burkhardt, Scientific Technical Advisor de 10 x Genomics whose tittle is “From Single Cell to Spatial Multiomics: Biology at true resolution with 10x Genomics”

Date: 6th April, 2022

Time: 10:00h. 

Place: Theatre Room, Centro Singular de Investigación en Medicina Molecular y Enfermedades Cronicas (CIMUS)


  • Resolve biological complexities with Single Cell Multiomics

Join us to learn how Chromium Single Cell solutions can help you push the boundaries of your research. Uncover molecular insights, dissect cell-type differences, investigate the adaptive immune system, detect novel subtypes and biomarkers and map the epigenetic landscape cell by cell. Enabling deeper insight into cancer, immunology, neuroscience, and developmental biology, 10x Genomics gives researchers the ability to see biology in new ways.

  • Spatially map and quantify gene expression in tissue context

Assessing gene expression with morphological context is critical to our understanding of biology and the progression of disease. Historically, it has been challenging to spatially interrogate complex heterogeneous tissues in a high-throughput manner, especially without previously generated assumptions about the genes being expressed. With Visium Spatial solutions researchers can now map the whole transcriptome in fresh frozen and formalin fixed tissue sections with morphological context.

Join us for this seminar to learn how Visium Spatial solutions from 10x Genomics give you a comprehensive understanding of the relationships between cellular function, phenotype, and location in intact tissue sections.

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