Bonsai Technology Day Biobizkaia

Exciting news for all biotech enthusiasts! Bonsai Lab invites you to the anticipated Bonsai Technology Day event, which will be held at the prestigious IIS Biobizkaia. Event Focus: This unique event focuses exclusively on the groundbreaking 10x Genomics Technology, welcoming newcomers to Single Cell & Spatial technology as well as experienced 10x Genomics users. ...

2025-02-11T12:18:15+00:0011 febrero 2025|Actualidad, Genómica|

BonsaiLab Technology Day I3S

Exciting news for all biotech enthusiasts! BonsaiLab invites you to the anticipated BonsaiLab Technology Day event, which will be held at the prestigious I3S Universidade do Porto. Event Focus: This unique event focuses exclusively on the groundbreaking 10x Genomics Technology, welcoming newcomers to Single Cell & Spatial technology as well as experienced 10x Genomics ...

2025-02-12T18:50:23+00:007 febrero 2025|Actualidad, Genómica|

Los beneficios de la secuenciación de células individuales: descubriendo los secretos de la biología celular

La secuenciación de células individuales (scRNA-seq) ha transformado la forma en que los científicos estudian la biología, proporcionando una visión detallada de la expresión génica a nivel celular. Esta técnica ha permitido resolver la heterogeneidad celular en tejidos complejos, abriendo nuevas posibilidades para entender enfermedades, desarrollar terapias y explorar los misterios de la biología. ...

2025-02-05T15:17:43+00:005 febrero 2025|Actualidad, Genómica, Apoyo Científico|

The Future of Single-Cell is Here: Introducing GEM-X

Join 10x Genomics for an exclusive European webinar showcasing GEM-X, the cutting-edge technology redefining single-cell workflows. With groundbreaking improvements, GEM-X elevates 3' and 5' single-cell applications to unprecedented levels of precision and efficiency. What’s new with GEM-X? Enhanced sensitivity: Achieve a two-fold increase for deeper insights. Cost efficiency: Up to 50% lower sequencing costs. ...

2025-01-27T09:05:49+00:0027 enero 2025|Actualidad, Genómica|

Unlock the Future of dPCR: Biological Age Assessment with Crystal Flex Probes

Tue, 21th January 2025 | Online | 16:30 h CET Are you struggling with complex dPCR assay designs? Looking to simplify your workflows while exploring cutting-edge advances in aging and methylation detection? Join us for an exciting webinar featuring Bourgne, PhD, a Hospital Biological Engineer at CHU Estaing, and an early adopter of Stilla ...

2025-01-20T16:47:23+00:0020 enero 2025|Actualidad, Webinar|

Frecuencia espacial y resolución de imagen

Observar cómo se forman los patrones de difracción y entender la conexión entre la periodicidad de la muestra, los máximos de su patrón de difracción y el impacto de la frecuencia espacial en la capacidad de resolución de estructuras microscópicas, es esencial para desentrañar los fundamentos de la óptica en microscopía. Este fenómeno, ...

2024-12-19T10:04:35+00:0019 diciembre 2024|Actualidad, Microscopía|

Singulator Sessions, Part 2: Automating Tissue Dissociation for Single Cell Analyses

Tuesday, December 3rd Time: 10 AM PST | 1 PM EST | 7 PM CET Join us on December 3rd for the second installment of the Singulator Sessions series, titled Automated Tissue Dissociation for Single Cell Analyses, where we’ll explore how the Singulator platform enhances single-cell assays in oncology applications Featured Speaker: Nathan Pereira, ...

2024-12-03T10:21:27+00:003 diciembre 2024|Webinar, Actualidad|

Exploring the Future of Single-Cell Research: Singulator Sessions Webinar

Sessions 2024: Tuesday, December 3rd & Tuesday, December 10th On November 19th, we launched the Singulator Sessions Webinar Series with its inaugural session, "Introduction to the Singulator Platform," presented by Nabiha Khan, Product Manager of S2 Genomics. This engaging webinar provided participants with an in-depth understanding of the Singulator platform’s powerful capabilities and ...

2024-11-22T09:13:18+00:0025 noviembre 2024|Actualidad, Webinar|

New Scalable and Cost-Effective Single Cell Multiomics Solutions: Join Our Exclusive Iberian Webinar!

November 29th | 12:00 pm CET Bonsai Lab is happy to invite you to our upcoming Iberian Webinar, "New Scalable and Cost-Effective Single Cell Multiomics Solutions", where we’ll showcase the latest innovations making single-cell research more accessible and efficient for all. On November 29th, 2024, at 12:00 PM CET, learn about cutting-edge technology ...

2024-11-22T08:11:35+00:0022 noviembre 2024|Actualidad, Genómica, Webinar|

ZEISS en el SPAOM 2024: Impulsando la Innovación en Microscopía

ZEISS líder mundial en innovación óptica, apoya, como sponsor platino, el SPAOM (Spanish Portuguese Meeting for Advanced Optical Microscopy) que organiza anualmente la Red Española de Microscopía Óptica Avanzada (REMOA) y la Plataforma Portuguesa de Imagen Biomédica (PPBI). Este congreso es un espacio esencial para compartir conocimientos, fomentar colaboraciones y promover las aplicaciones innovadoras de ...

2024-11-14T11:45:56+00:0014 noviembre 2024|Microscopía, Actualidad, Apoyo Científico|


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