Spatial Webinar
February 9th., 2024 | 10:00 AM
We are thrilled to announce our upcoming webinar, "The Next Frontier in Spatial Insights", catering to both novices in spatial technology and seasoned users of 10x Genomics technology. Our webinar promises a wealth of knowledge through scientific sessions featuring keynote presentations by two leading researchers.
Understanding the intricate relationship between cells and their spatial locations within tissues is paramount for deciphering normal development and disease pathology. Our webinar will spotlight spatial transcriptomics, a revolutionary molecular profiling method enabling scientists to comprehensively measure gene activity in tissue samples and map its occurrence. Already, this technology has paved the way for groundbreaking discoveries, offering scientists profound insights into biological processes and diseases.
Mark your calendars for this engaging event, where innovation in spatial transcriptomics methodologies takes center stage. Join us to gain a holistic understanding of cells in their morphological context, as 10x Genomics scientists unveil groundbreaking improvements to the technology. Be prepared to witness exciting applications showcased by those users, providing you with firsthand insights into the cutting-edge advancements transforming the landscape of spatial research.
Save the date!
Featured Speakers
Emma Muiños, PhD.
Researcher at Clínica Universidad de Navarra.
Dr. Eduard Porta
Group Leader at the Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute (IJC)
Presentation titles
10:00 AM
Introduction & Welcome
“Spatial transcriptomics in Bone Marrow: a comparison of manual vs CytAssist protocols”
Emma Muiños. Researcher at the University of Navarra Clinic.
“Comparison of spatial transcriptomics technologies across six cancer types”
Eduard Porta. Group Leader Instituto Josep Carreras.